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How to Move to the UK – A Step-By-Step Guide

The UK is a priority destination for many people to choose when they want to move abroad. It has a unique culture, storied history, a fantastic job market and an educational system. It attracts around several hundred thousand to about a million new people yearly. That means if you’ve ever had the desire to move to the UK, it’s best to be aware of what it takes, have a plan, and prepare accordingly.

Determine your eligibility: The first step when finding out how to move to the UK

If you’re looking to stay in the UK for the long term, you’ll need a visa. The most standard option is a UK work visa. Yet even here, there are different types of work visas available. There are some for those that are part of special programs, and there are high-skill work visas which need filling by certain sectors that have a huge demand for your skill set. Then there are others, more traditional, with a company sponsorship and proof you’re getting a viable and liveable wage and salary.

On top of that, you’ll need to provide proof of funds when you first arrive that you can handle your financial needs until your first salary kicks in. A great way to do a money transfer, especially while relocating, is to use DT&T, that’ll help you save on foreign exchange rates and have all the different currencies you need all in one location.
In addition, you’ll be able to set up a UK-based fund to send out payments for any fees or deposits for your rentals, all in one location.

Beyond the financial proof and responsibilities, you’ll have to have a valid passport and typically share your travel history from a few years back. In addition, depending on where you’re coming from or the job position, you may need to provide medical records, criminal records, and proof of your command of the English language.

Student Visa and Partner Visa

Another visa type is a student visa, which allows you to move about the UK while you’re studying abroad freely. Having DT&T as your globalised bank account helps your loved ones send you money that you can easily convert into British pounds to pay for those necessities without losing to exchange rates or fees.

Beyond these two common types of visas, you may find yourself in a different situation. For example, there’s a partner visa for those married to a British citizen or even business-related visas such as an investor visa or innovator visa. Also, if you can prove your ancestry was British (back to your grandparents), you can also get a visa.

How to move to the UK: Prepare and submit your visa application

Visa applications take time, and you’ll want to make sure that you gather all the necessary paperwork. As mentioned earlier, you’ll most likely need to provide proof of your ability to live in the UK and that you have enough to cover expenses. This can vary depending on whether you’re coming in with a work visa or a student visa. You may not need this with a partner visa, as they may take on the financial responsibility for you during the application process but do check.

You’ll also need copies of your passport and educational certificates. These also will most likely need to have a translation and certification in English, as with the rest of the documents.

After you’ve got everything required by the UK government and know which visa you’re applying for, it’s all about submitting it to have it processed and reviewed. Then it’s all about waiting for approval from the UK government.

Fly to the UK!

Once your visa has had approval, they will provide you with the next steps, but you’ll likely need to make the necessary arrangements to travel to the UK itself. This is important to finish the loop for the UK work visa and UK student visa as well. You’ll need to have accommodation set up soon, as it’s a requirement in many cases when you’re finalising your visa.

Register with the local authorities

This may be common in the country you’re coming from or something completely new to you, but in the UK, you need to go to the local police station or government office and register yourself. This is how you are able to get your Tax ID and national insurance number and be properly registered with the UK, and this typically closes out your visa process so that you can get on with the final step.

They will also help you understand if there’s anything else you need to do, what information to give to your future employer or what you may have to give to the university you’re attending. For example, you may have school fees to also pay.

Get settled in and enjoy your new life in the UK!

Whether you need to find more permanent housing, attend the university or actually go to work, it’s all about settling in. Being a foreigner, living in a new country can be quite lonely at the beginning. Therefore, make sure you also go in with the right type of mindset.

Be open, make new friends, and explore the city or town you’ve relocated to in the UK. Whether it’s bustling London or a town on the outskirts of major cities, this is your new home and chance to do what you wish. Of course, you should also be able to freely leave based on your visa type to go on holiday in Europe or anywhere else but always confirm in advance.

Some key things to remember on your journey of how to move to the UK

Your visa most likely will not be a permanent visa. That means it will be tied to either the work or student status that you have currently. That means if you change your status in any way, you need to let the local immigration authorities know. This is so you can see what visas are possible for you since you’re already in the country. Regardless, many visas will also need to be renewed, either once a year or every two years, so keep those dates in mind and prepare whatever the authorities request.

Eventually, you’ll be able to get a more permanent type of residency that will allow you to not have to renew as often and can eventually lead to citizenship within the UK after an extended period if that is your eventual end goal. Typically, after five years or so, you can get permanent residency and then be on the path to that citizenship.

In the end

Whether you want to explore a different country for a few years or get an excellent education at some of their world-renowned universities, you want to ensure that your finances are always managed. It can be confusing with the banks and the different foreign exchange rates.

You have so many different things occurring at once, so it’s always a good idea to go for a multicurrency account so you’ll never have any issues when you need to move funds over into British pounds. You don’t want to do anything that will add more stressors to your life, and paying those fees, bills and rent on time with our services will help ensure you keep you in good standing with the UK government.