Terms and Conditions
Business Account

1. Terms and Conditions

1.1 These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) govern the terms under which you may access and use the website (and for the purpose of these Terms and Conditions “website” will include our App (where applicable) and the services associated with it (together, the “Service”). By accessing, registering with and using the Service, you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions. If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, we advised you not access register with or use the Service. The language of these Terms and Conditions is English and all Services, instructions and transactions carried out in connection with it shall be in English.

1.2. In these Terms and Conditions, the terms “DT&T Corporation”, “we”, “us”, and “our” refer to DT&T Corporation Ltd, together with its employees, directors, affiliates, successors, and assigns.

1.3. The terms “you” and “your” refer to users of the Service, as Senders, Recipients, other users or visitors to the website.

1.4. These Terms and Conditions would be effective from the date on which you first access, register or use the Service. The Terms and Conditions may change from time to time, without any prior notice, but changes will only be effective 2 months from the date they are made and will not change the terms on which you previously used the Service.

1.5. The Service was created to assist customers to send money to their family and friends, and to receive money from family and friends, around the world. For security reasons, we recommend that you only send money through the Service to people you know personally. You must not use the Service to send money to strangers for example sellers of goods and/or services, private or retail.

2. Definitions

In these Terms and Conditions:

App means DT&T Corporation’s mobile application for the sending of Payment orders and/or Transaction orders.

Business Day means any day on which we are open for business for the execution of Transaction orders and/or Payment orders.

Destination Country means the country in which the Recipient receives money through the Service.

Instruction means a Transaction order.

Local Taxes means any taxes or charges payable in the Destination Country.

Recipient means someone who receives money through the Service.

Payment Instrument means a valid instrument of payment such as a bank account, debit card or credit card.

Pay-out Amount means the amount paid out, after any foreign exchange conversion, to the Recipient’s account exclusive of the Service Fee.

Sender means someone who uses the Service to send money.

Service Fee means DT&T Corporation’s fee plus any additional charges applicable to each transaction.

Service Provider means a local bank, money exchange house, or other third- party service providers in the Destination Country with whom DT&T Corporation works to provide the Service.

Transaction means the transfer of money through the Service.

Transaction Amount means the amount of money that the Sender wishes to send to the Recipient as a Transaction, excluding any applicable Service Fee and prior to any foreign exchange conversion.

Transaction History means the record of your Transactions on our website which you may access using your email and password registration details.

Transaction order means a specific instruction from you requesting us to send money to a Recipient through the Service.

3. About us: who we are and how we are regulated

3.1. We are DT&T Corporation Limited, a company registered in England and Wales, with company number 04542542. Our registered office is at 3 Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 9GE. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011with Firm Reference Number 901018 for the provision of payment services. Our main business is payment services.

3.2. DT&T is a trading name of DT&T Corporation Limited.

3.3. We are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) as your Account with us is not a bank account. All customers funds are protected and safeguarded in a dedicated client money accounts that we hold with a large commercial bank.

4. The extent and nature of our Services

4.1. We solely assist business customers to send money and receive money from around the world through the provision of electronic account; which means we will not provide financial advice to your business.

4.2. You or your business may not and must not regard either the information or any opinion expressed on the firm’s website or communicated by the firm’s employees, directors, affiliates as advice or an offer to buy, sell or otherwise process transactions in a particular way.

4.3. Before entering into any DT&T transaction you must make your own independent assessment as to whether it is appropriate to enter into a DT&T transaction based upon your own judgment and upon such advice from advisers as you consider necessary. It is an express term of every DT&T transaction which you enter into with us, that you are not relying upon any communication (written or oral) made by us as constituting advice about or a recommendation to enter into such DT&T transaction.

4.4. We may outsource any of our administrative functions and responsibilities to an approved third party by the board of directors of the firm. We will ensure that the third party is competent to carry out any such function or responsibility. We will remain responsible for the operation of your Account in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

4.5. Foreign currency exchange rates are subject to fluctuations outside our control. Past movements or trends in the movement of foreign currency exchange rates should not be taken as an indicator of future movements in such exchange rates.

5. Your Application

5.1. We reserve the right to refuse any application for a DT&T Business Account you make without giving you any reason.

5.2. If you submit an incomplete Application Form, we will not open your DT&T Business Account until you have provided the missing details. You must supply us with all missing details within 30 calendar days following your application, or it will lapse and you will have to re-submit a new one if you still want to open an Account with us.

6. Customer Identification Program

6.1. English law requires all financial institutions to assist in the fight against money laundering activities and the funding of terrorism by obtaining, verifying, and recording identifying information about all customers. We may therefore require you to supply us with personal identifying information relating to you, directors, shareholders and ultimate beneficiary owners; and we may also legally consult other sources to obtain information about you directors, shareholders and ultimate beneficiary owners.

6.2. We will verify residential address and personal details in order to confirm the identity of directors, shareholders and ultimate beneficiary owners. We may also pass your personal information to a credit reference agency, which may keep a record of that information. Be assured that this is done only to confirm your identity and that we do not perform credit checks and therefore your credit rating will not be affected.

6.3. We may also need to verify the business in the same way. All information provided by you will be treated securely and strictly in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you authorise us to make any inquiries we consider necessary to validate the information that you provide to us before opening the Account.

6.4. We may do this directly, for example by asking you for additional information, or requiring you to take steps to confirm ownership of the business against third party databases or through other sources.

6.5. You must ensure the information on your DT&T Business Account about you and your business are always accurate and up to date. On expiration of your identity document, we may contact you to request further information or request that you go through the verification process again. We shall not be liable for any losses arising out of your failure to maintain up to date information.

7. Your right to cancel

7.1. You have the right to cancel any Business Account you open with us within 14 days after the day on which we accept your application to open that Business Account by writing to us at 3 Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 9GE or sending us an email to legal@dttcl.com telling us you want to cancel your Account.

7.2. We will return any funds in your business account less transactions and fees for transaction undertaken before you close the Account.

7.3. We will not refund funds for transactions that are not revocable and have been initiated, but not completed before closure.

8. Running your Accounts

8.1. You accept full responsibility for the monitoring of each of your DT&T Business Account, including any instructions you have in place.

8.2. You agree to notify us as soon as you become aware of any loss, theft or unauthorised use of your PIN, Customer Number or username.

8.3. You agree to notify us that you have not received, within the expected timeframe, a confirmation from us (in any form) indicating that an instruction or order was received and/or executed.

8.4. You agree to notify us of any inaccurate information in your Account balances, statements, transaction history or personal data relating to any Account.

8.5. You must ensure that the information recorded on your Account is always accurate and up to date and we shall not be liable for any loss arising out of your failure to do so. We may ask you at any time to confirm the accuracy of your information or to provide documents or other evidence.

8.6. Fund uploads, payments received, payments sent and direct debit payments are displayed in your online transactions history together with the date of receipt or transmission (the debit value date), the fees charged and, where applicable, any exchange rate used. A unique transaction number is assigned to each transaction and shown in the transaction history.

8.7. You must take all reasonable steps to keep your Account password safe at all times and never disclose it to anyone. Our staff will never ask you to provide your password to us or to a third party. Any message you receive or website you visit that asks for your password, other than our website should be reported to us.

8.8. We may suspend your Account or otherwise restrict its functionality on reasonable grounds relating to the security of the Account or any of its security features or if we reasonably suspect that an unauthorised or fraudulent use of your Account and debit card has occurred or that any of its security features have been compromised.

8.9. We will notify you of any suspension or restriction and of the reasons for such suspension or restriction in advance or, where we are unable to do so, immediately after the suspension or restriction has been imposed, unless notifying you would be unlawful or compromise our reasonable security interests. We will lift the suspension and/or the restriction as soon as practicable after the reasons for the suspension and/or restriction have ceased to exist.

8.10. You agree to pay usthe Fee for each Transaction order that you submit, in addition to the Transaction Amount. Payment becomes due at the time that you submit your Transaction order. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Service Fee is non-refundable unless expressly stated in these Terms and Conditions. If you submit a Transaction order that results in DT&T Corporation becoming liable for charges including but not limited to chargeback or other fees, you agree to reimburse us for all such fees.

8.11. When you pay a Transaction Amount in one currency and the Pay-out Amount is in another currency, there will be a difference between the exchange rate at which we buy foreign currency and the exchange rate provided to you. DT&T Corporation and its Service Providers usually make a small profit in these circumstances. We guarantee you the Pay-out Amount in local currency.

8.12. The margin taken on foreign currency exchange covers our risk in guaranteeing this. If a Recipient’s account is denominated in a currency other than the currency you instructed us to make payment in, there may be delays, additional charges or different exchange rates. The Sender is therefore responsible for ensuring that the currency requested for the Transaction matches the currency of the account where the funds are to be delivered.

8.13. You may be required to maintain a minimum balance in your DT&T Business Account for the duration of the account. You agree that we lien the minimum balance agreed from use and no interest will be paid on the amount for the duration of the account.

9. Uploading Funds

9.1. To upload money, you need to log in to your DT&T Business Account and follow the steps as they appear on screen. You may be presented with a number of different upload methods, depending on which Payment Methods you have added to your Account and which Payment Methods are available in your country of residence.

9.2. We may charge you fees to load your DT&T Business Account and you will not earn interest in relation to positive balance in your DT&T Business Account.

9.3. We are not liable for the money you have uploaded until we have received them in our bank accounts, as we are the recipient of funds and not the payment services provider when uploading funds.

9.4. We do not guarantee the use of any particular upload method made available, and may make changes to or discontinue the acceptance of any particular upload method at any time without notice.

9.5. Payment instrument must be in your name. Any payment instrument (for example, the credit card or debit card) you use with your chosen Payment Method must be in your name. We take any violation of this requirement very seriously and will treat any attempt to use a Payment Method of which you are not the named holder as a fraudulent act.

9.6. If you use a Payment Method which gives you chargeback rights (for example in relation to your credit or debit card or direct debit, you may ask your card provider to reverse a transaction on your card), you agree that you will only exercise this chargeback right if there was an unauthorised use of your payment instrument.

9.7. You agree that you will not exercise your chargeback right for reasons which we are not responsible, including a dispute with your recipient or if there are insufficient funds in your payment instrument. If we need to investigate or take any actions in connection with a chargeback raised by you, we may charge you for our costs in doing so and may deduct such amount from your Account.

9.8. Uploaded funds will be credited to your Account after the funds have been received by us. Some upload transactions, such as those by credit or debit card, direct debit or direct banking will be credited to your Account as soon as possible, but are subject to reversal if the actual funds do not reach us within a reasonable time in which case, we will deduct such reversed transaction from the balance of your Account. If your Account balance is insufficient, we reserve the right to require repayment from you.

9.9. Uploads may be subject to upload limits due to security and legal requirements. These limits are set dynamically depending on your verification status and the upload method you want to use. You can view these limits at any time in the relevant section of your Account profile.

9.10. You must not make an upload using cash. Without prejudice to claiming further damages, if we are required to take any action on your DT&T Business Account as a result of you making cash upload, we may charge an administration fee of hundred Great British Pounds, (£100).

9.11. You agree not use your DT&T card to fund your DT&T Business Account as both are linked. You agree that we do not have to refund or return any charges or fee applied for funding your DT&T Business Account with your DT&T card either by error or not.

10. Sending Payments

10.1. You must set up your payment order from your DT&T Business Account with your login details and password.

10.2. Every recipient of a payment you wish to send through us must have a valid means that we can use for their identification. This may be a valid e-mail address but other means of identification may be required for our other services and we may require you to provide us with the recipient’s mobile telephone number.

10.3. To set up a payment order via your Account, you need to provide certain information to us including (a) the full name of your recipient, (b) your recipient’s bank account details and (c) amount to be transferred.

10.4. You must take great care to properly type the exact details of who you wish to send money to. We use those details as the unique identifier to determine the intended recipient of the payment which you instruct us to process. Other information you provide along with the recipient’s means of identification may be disregarded and we shall not be liable for any error you make when entering the recipient’s details and recipient’s bank account details.

10.5. Before transaction is confirmed, you will be provided with the foreign exchange conversion rate that will be applied to the transaction and the transaction fee which will be charged.

10.6. You will also be provided with the estimated amount the Recipient will receive after currency conversion and deduction of the transaction fee. The actual amount that the Recipient receives may differ from the pay-out amount due to additional fees applied by receiving banks or other service providers at the destination.

10.7. We may place limits on the amount you may send per transfer, in line with destination country rules and regulations.

10.8. If your payment order is received by us after 6pm on a Business Day or not on a Business Day, your payment order will be deemed received on the following Business Day.

10.9. Once we have received your payment order, we will send you a confirmation by email. Each payment order is given a unique transfer number and is shown in the transaction history on your Account. You should quote this transfer number when communicating with us about a particular payment order.

10.10. We will only process your payment order if we hold or have received sufficient cleared funds in your DT&T Business Account. It is your responsibility to fund your payment order in a timely manner. We cannot be responsible for the time it takes for the money to be sent to us by your bank or payment service provider.

10.11.The estimated completion time of your payment order is notified to you when you complete the setup of your payment order. We will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the funds arrive in the recipient’s bank account or payment account within the timelines notified to you.

10.12. If we are unable to complete your payment order, we will let you know and, if possible, the reasons for the refusal and an explanation of how to correct any factual errors. However, we are not required to notify you if such notification would be unlawful.

10.13. If your funds are sent to the wrong account or wrong receiver as the result of a mistake made by you, and we have acted in accordance with your Instructions, we will be under no obligation either to recover the funds or to resend the funds to the correct Beneficiary Account. You will need to send a new payment order. Any charges paid for the order will not be refunded.

10.14. If your funds are sent to the wrong account as the result of a mistake made by us, we will take urgent action at our own expense to recover those funds, provided that you take immediate action to assist us to recover any such funds if the mistaken beneficiary is related to you or associated with you in some way.

10.15. If we make a payment into your DT&T Business Account by mistake, we will take out the same amount without asking for your permission but will let you know what has happened. If someone else tells us they have made a payment into your account by mistake we will check with you first before returning the funds.

10.16. If you disagree, we will not return the funds to the payer, but we may provide the payer’s bank or payment service provider with all relevant information for the collection of funds and/or put the payer’s bank in contact with yours directly. This is because we are required to cooperate with other payment service providers and share all relevant information in order to assist with tracing money which is sent to the wrong person.

11. Receiving Funds

11.1. If you receive funds into your DT&T Business Account, we will send you a notification email and display the payment as a “Funding” transaction in your transactions history, together with the date of receipt, the fees charged and, where applicable, any exchange rate used. Each transaction is given a unique transaction ID and shown in the transaction history. We will not alter or amend information displayed in your online transaction history. You should regularly reconcile incoming payments with your own records.

11.2. You should be aware that receipt of funds to your account does not necessarily mean that these transactions cannot be reversed. We reserve the right to reverse a payment if the payer or the payer’s bank or payment service provider has charged back or otherwise reversed (or is reasonably likely to Chargeback or otherwise reverse) an upload or other payment which was used to fund the payment to you.

11.3. The receipt of payments is subject to fees and currency exchange fees, depending on the type of payment you receive into your account you have.

12. Withdrawing Funds

12.1. You can request a withdrawal of all or part of the funds held in your DT&T Business Account at any time. Log into your DT&T Business Account and click on pay method and enter the amount to be withdrawn. Withdrawal Methods are payment services provided, at least in part, by third party financial institutions (for example, the bank where you hold a bank account).

12.2. We do not guarantee the availability of any particular Payment Method and may make changes to or discontinue a particular Payment Method at any time without notifying you. Where the Withdrawal payment is received by you through the involvement of a payment service provider (such as the bank where you hold a bank account), we shall not be responsible for the withdrawal payment once the withdrawn funds are received by your payment service provider.

12.3. For the purposes of a withdrawal transaction, we are a payer and not a payment service provider.

12.4. You agree that your DT&T Business Account is subject to withdrawal or payment limits. If your withdrawal request exceeds the current limit, we may decline your request and require you to provide additional documents to us so that we can carry out additional checks before allowing the money to be withdrawn. Before uploading any funds into your DT&T Business Account, you must ensure that your current withdrawal and spending limits meet your withdrawal and spending requirements as we legally cannot allow you to exceed these limits.

12.5. Withdrawals are subject to fees including currency conversion fees when applicable.

12.6. When setting up your withdrawal request, you must ensure that the information you provide is correct and complete. We will not be responsible for money sent to the wrong recipient as a result of incorrect information provided by you. If you have provided wrong information to us, you may ask us to assist you in recovering the money, but we cannot guarantee that such efforts will be successful.

13. Direct Debit

13.1. The Direct Debit Service is additional to the existing services we provide, and we reserve the right to choose which users have access to the service and we are not required to provide a reason for rejecting a user to have access to this service.

13.2. You can set up a Direct Debit from your DT&T Business Account by giving the organisation you’re paying authorisation to take the Direct Debit payments from your DT&T Business Account. As a UK customer, you can only set up a Direct Debit from a DT&T GBP Business Account. Any Direct Debit payment is usually taken from your Account at the beginning of the Working Day that it’s due.

13.3. It’s your responsibility to check that you have enough Available Balance before any payment is due. If your DT&T Business Account doesn’t have enough Available Balance, any Direct Debit payment will be rejected. You agree that we should apply unpaid direct debit charge to your account when we reject a direct debit.

13.4. You can cancel a Direct Debit taken from your DT&T Business Account at any time up to 2 Business Working Day before the payment is due. The cancellation will be effective for all future Direct Debits for that payee. You’ll need to inform the organisation taking the Direct Debit of your cancellation. We will not be responsible if you fail to inform them and they won’t have any claim against us.

13.5. If you do not cancel a Direct Debit by the deadline specified above, we cannot accept responsibility for any payments that are subsequently taken, and you will need to contact the person or organisation you are paying.

13.6. The provisions of the UK Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme will apply where a refund of a Direct Debit is requested.

13.7. We charge a transaction fee to use the Direct Debit Service, which can be found in the Account fees section.

13.8. You cannot set up international Direct Debit payments.

13.9. We reserve the right to debit from your Account Balance up to £10 per rejected Direct Debit at our discretion.

13.10. We reserve the right to withdraw Direct Debit functionality from your account if you have a rejected Direct Debit.

14. Debit cards Issuance

14.1. You may be issued with a “physical” Card, which will have the details of the PAN, the Expiry Date of the Card and the CVV code printed on the reverse side of the card; or a “virtual” Card, in which case you will not receive a Physical Card but will receive details of the PAN, the Expiry Date and the CVV2 code.

14.2. In order to start using the Card, you may be required to activate it in accordance with instructions given to you by us. You must keep your Physical Card and the details of the Virtual Card (as applicable) in a safe place and protect it against unauthorised access or use by third parties.

14.3. If you are issued with a Physical Card, you must sign the Physical Card as soon as you receive it. You may also receive a secret personal identification number (“PIN”) separately through the DT&T App.

15. Debit cards transactions

15.1. You agree that any use of your DT&T Business Account, DT&T Card, card number or PIN constitutes your authorisation and consent to a transaction.

15.2. You cannot stop an instant transaction or a pre-authorised transaction after you have authorised it, and it has been transmitted to us.

15.3. We may refuse a transaction or suspend or terminate your right to make a Payment in to your Account if a transaction might take you over your Account Balance; or a transaction might take you over any of your Account or Card limits; or we reasonably believe that we need to do so to keep to the rules of the payment system under which your card is issued; or we reasonably believe that there are needs to do so to comply with any law or as a matter of good practice.

15.4. We can return money paid to your Card by mistake. However, if you do not think a payment made to you from a payment service provider in the EEA was a mistake, we may also be allowed to share your personal information with the paying payment service provider so that you can be contacted directly. This is because we are required to cooperate with other payment service providers and share all relevant information in order to assist with tracing money which is sent to the wrong person.

15.5. Pre-authorisation – Where a payment amount is not known in advance. For certain payments, a Merchant may need your Available Balance to be higher than the value of the goods or services you’re buying, because they may need to access more money than you initially planned to spend. In this situation, they may ask us to block funds in your Account. This may be the case for hotels, rental cars, and internet retailers.

15.6. On registration or at checkout stage, they may send us a request for payment authorisation to check you have enough money available in your account. This will impact your Available Balance temporarily.

15.7. We won’t block money on your Account unless you’ve authorised us to block that exact amount. We’ll release any blocked funds without undue delay after we become aware of the amount of the actual payment to be made, and immediately after we receive the payment instruction. You’ll only be charged for the actual and final value of the payment you make.

15.8. Foreign currency transactions – DT&T Card can be used for transactions which are not in the currency of the Card. We charge a transaction fee for using your DT&T Card in overseas ATMs. The fees are detailed in the Card Fees & Limit page.

15.9. If you make a transaction in a currency other than the currency of the DT&T Card, we will change the amount into the currency of the DT&T Card at the wholesale market rate or any rate that a government may set from time to time. We charge a Fee for such a transaction, detailed in the Card Fees & Limit page.

15.10. Exchange rates may change, and the exchange rate which applies on the date that you make your transaction may not be the same as the exchange rate we use on the date that we convert the transaction charge and deduct from your balance. Your online statement will show the exchange rate and service charge.

15.11. Chargeback – is a mechanism for Mastercard (at their discretion) to reclaim money from a service provider’s bank. This can allow Mastercard to provide you with a refund in a number of circumstances, including: (a) if you do not get the product you paid for; (b) if you are charged the wrong amount, or charged twice by mistake; or (c) if the payment was made fraudulently.

15.12. You agree to provide us with any information reasonably requested by us in order for us to research the transaction associated with the proposed Chargeback. Chargebacks will be handled by Mastercard in accordance with the Mastercard Scheme Rules and not by us.

15.13. Mastercard takes up to 45 days to adjudicate a Chargeback dispute under the Mastercard Scheme Rules and a Chargeback will only happen if you are eligible under the Mastercard Scheme Rules.

15.14. If you dispute a legitimate charge by raising a Chargeback without merit or legitimate reason, whether fraudulently or otherwise, we reserve the right to charge you a chargeback administration fee of £20.

16. Cardholder liability and authorisations

16.1. You must sign your DT&T Card as soon as you receive it and keep it safe. You must always make sure that you do not allow anyone else to use your DT&T Card; do not reveal your PIN and never write down your password(s), PIN or any security information you have given us; only release the DT&T Card, card number or PIN to make (or try to make) a transaction. You should treat the e-money on your DT&T Card like cash in a wallet.

16.2. If you lose your DT&T Card or it is stolen you may lose any e-money on it in just the same way as if you lost your wallet. If your card is lost or stolen or someone else finds out the PIN or if you think your DT&T Card, card number or PIN may be misused, you must:

  • log onto the DT&T App and block your Card if it is lost/stolen using the card management area;
  • report the card lost/stolen by email us at support@dttcl.com so that we can cancel and replace your DT&T Card; and
  • if we ask, write to us within seven days to confirm the loss, theft or possible misuse, the address is DT&T Corporation Limited, 3 Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9GE

16.3. If you find your DT&T Card after you have reported it lost, stolen or misused, you must cut it up and tell us as soon as you can. If your DT&T Card is lost or stolen, once you have reported it you can request a replacement by contacting us in ways described on the Website. We may charge a Fee for the replacement card (as detailed in the Summary Box).

16.4. You may not be liable for any use of your DT&T Card, card number or PIN by another person who does not have your permission to use it or if it is lost, stolen or destroyed, unless you agreed to that person having your DT&T Card, card number or PIN, or through your gross negligence or carelessness, in which case you may be liable for any use that occurs before you tell us in accordance with these terms and conditions.

16.5. You may be liable if you acted fraudulently then, to the extent permitted by law, you may be liable for misuse of your DT&T Card, card number or PIN.

16.6. You may only be liable to a maximum of £35 resulting from transactions arising from the use of a lost or stolen card or from the misappropriation of the payment instrument where the cardholder has failed to keep security features of the card safe. The £35 liability limit is applicable to each instance of loss, theft or misappropriation and not each transaction.

16.7. If your card is used without your permission, or is lost, stolen or if you think your DT&T Card may be misused, we may disclose to law enforcement agencies any information which we reasonably believe may be relevant.

16.8. We may restrict or refuse to authorise any use of your DT&T Card in any legal jurisdiction if using the DT&T Card is causing or could cause a breach of these terms and conditions or if we have reasonable grounds for suspecting that either you or a third party has committed or is about to commit a crime or other abuse in connection with the DT&T Card.

16.9. We are not liable if a merchant, retailer or supplier does not accept the card or mobile transaction. We are liable if we mistakenly treated your account as having insufficient funds to cover the transaction.

17. Currency Conversion

17.1. You may convert the money held in one currency in your DT&T Business Account into other currencies we support from time to time. You can only perform a conversion in respect of funds that you already hold in your DT&T Business Account. A conversion fee will apply when we perform a currency conversion.

17.2. You agree that the exchange rate may change between the time you told us you wanted to exchange currency and the time we actually carry out the conversion. This means that if you ask us to exchange currency, you may receive a little more or less back than what you had expected.

17.3. You agree that you cannot cancel a currency conversion that you instructed us to make.

17.4. You agree that we are not responsible for any loss you incur as a result of a currency exchange.

18. Commissions and Fees

18.1. You agree to pay our fees in connection with the use of our Services. We will not process your transaction until we have received the fees from you.

18.2. We will let you know the exact amount payable by you when you set up your order.

18.3. Our Fee structure as set out on our website form part of this agreement which may be subject to change at any time.

18.4. You agree and authorise us to deduct our fees, any applicable reversal amounts, and/or any amounts you owe us from your DT&T Business Account. If you don’t have enough money in your DT&T Business Account to cover these amounts, we may refuse to execute the relevant transaction or provide any Services to you.

18.5. If the deduction of fees results in a negative DT&T Business Account balance, you will be required to repay such negative balance by uploading sufficient funds into your DT&T Business Account. Failure to do so is a breach of these Terms of Use. Repayment of the negative balance is due immediately without notice.

18.6. However, we reserve the right at any time to send you reminders that you need to upload funds or to take other debt collection measures including but not limited to instructing a debt collection agency or solicitors or to pursue the claim in court. We reserve the right to charge you expenses we have reasonably incurred in connection with any debt collection or enforcement efforts.

18.7. We may make reasonable charges to you to cover the administrative costs of providing any additional information, documents etc. which we agree to supply to you at your request.

19. Cancellation, Suspension and Termination

19.1. We may, in our absolute discretion, refuse or cancel Transaction Requests or Transactions from certain Senders or to certain Payees, including but not limited to entities and individuals on restricted or prohibited lists issued from time to time by any government authorities, if we are required to do so by law, or where we have reason to believe processing the Transaction Requests would violate anti-money laundering or counter-terrorism financing laws and regulations.

19.2. We may refuse to process a Transaction funded from certain Payment Instruments where we have reason to believe the security of the Payment Instrument has been compromised or where we suspect the unauthorised or fraudulent use of the Payment Instrument.

19.3. We may terminate your DT&T Business Account or any payment service associated with it by giving you 30 days prior notice and thereafter we may give you reasonable instructions on how to withdraw remaining funds.

19.4. We may at any time suspend or terminate your DT&T Business Account without notice if you breach any condition of these Terms of Use or any other condition applicable to specific services covered by separate terms and conditions.

19.5. We may at any time suspend or terminate your DT&T Business Account without notice if you violate or we have reason to believe that you are in violation of any law or regulation that is applicable to your use of our services.

19.6. We may at any time suspend or terminate your DT&T Business Account without notice if we have reason to believe that you are in any way involved in any fraudulent activity, money laundering, terrorism financing or other criminal activity.

20. Cancellations and Refunds

20.1. You may cancel any transaction requests that we are yet to be paid out to your beneficiary. In some cases, DT&T Corporation may have initiated an irreversible request for funds to be paid out to your beneficiary by a Service Provider and therefore cannot guarantee cancellation will be successful. For successful cancellation DT&T Corporation will normally refund your money, less any reasonable revocation, recall or tracing charges and any Service Fees already charged, up to seven (7) Business Days.

20.2. Refunds can take up to 7 business days to be processed and this depends as well on the customer’s bank and card payment acquirers’ processes, which are beyond our control.

20.3. Any refunds will be credited back to the same Payment Instrument used to fund the Transaction and in the same currency.

20.4. If we have executed the Transaction in accordance with the instructions you have provided to us, and that information proves to have been incorrect, we are therefore, not liable for the incorrect execution of the Transaction. We will however make reasonable efforts to recover the funds. We may charge you a reasonable fee, reflective of our efforts, to do so.

20.5. We will not pay to you any interest on any funds held or refunded by us whether by way of deposit or otherwise.

20.6. In circumstances where you ask us to hold your funds pending your further Instructions after cancellation, you should provide us with your Instructions as soon as possible; if you do not do so within 3 months, we will return the amount we hold for you without interest.

21. Subscription fees and Billing

21.1. The Classic plan costs £9.99 per month. The Flex plan costs £24.99 per month. The sole trader plan costs £3.99 per month. Monthly subscription fees will be billed in the first week of each calendar month in advance, typically on or around the 4th day of each month.

21.2. Unless a promotional offer applies, your first month’s subscription fees will be debited from your DT&T Business Account on a monthly basis when you sign up to use Classic or Flex.

21.3. From time to time, DT&T may change the subscription fees and billing terms. Such changes will be communicated to you by email, in-app or through our website.

21.4. Your subscription will automatically renew each month or year unless you cancel. You can cancel at any time in-app or by contacting DT&T Business Support by cancelling your subscription and closing your account. There will be no pro-rata refund of subscription fees in case of early cancellation. So, if you cancel your monthly subscription, your subscription will remain active until the end of the calendar month in which you cancelled and you will be charged subscription fees in full for that month.

21.5. You authorise DT&T to debit your DT&T Business Accounts for all subscription fees as they become payable. If there are not enough funds in any of your accounts with us to pay your fees, then you must pay the amount due immediately upon demand, plus any applicable processing fees, or charges for return items, plus interest at the higher of 4% a year above the Bank of England’s base rate or 4%, plus legal costs and other costs of collection as permitted by law. We reserve the right to suspend your access to the DT&T Business Account if we are not paid on time any monies owing to us by you.

21.6. Account Fees – Your Account is subject to the fees set out below:

Monthly Fee “Sole trader”£3.99
Monthly Fee “Classic”£9.99
Monthly Fee “Flex”£24.99
Card Delivery Fee£4.99
ATM withdrawals within the United Kingdom£1.99
ATM withdrawals outside the United Kingdom£2.99
Point of Sales transactions within the United Kingdom£0.49
Point of Sales transactions outside the United Kingdom£1.99
Internet Transactions within the United Kingdom£0.49
Internet Transactions outside the United Kingdom£1.99
Peer-to-peer (P2P) Card Debit£0.99
Peer-to-peer (P2P) Card Credit£0.99
Chargebacks – including each Account Holder request for chargeback whether or not a chargeback is submitted to the Mastercard system£20.00
Card Replacement (Damaged/Lost/Stolen)£4.99
Bank transfer IN from UK – Faster Payments£0.99
Bank transfer IN from UK – CHAPS£25.00
Bank transfer OUT to UK – Faster Payments£0.99
Bank transfer OUT to UK – CHAPS£25.00
Account to Account – Within DT&T platform£0.00
Direct debit Fee£0.99
Unpaid Direct Debit Fee£10.00
Monthly Inactive Fee (After 120 days of inactivity)£0.99

21.7. Account Limits – Subject to any further risk assessment requirements, your Account is subject to the following Account Limits. We can change limits at our discretion at any time to comply with our regulatory obligations and to reduce the risk of financial crime. You can contact Customer Service at any time to ask about the limits applicable to your account.

ATM Withdrawals 
Maximum daily amount£200.00
Maximum single amount£200.00
Maximum monthly amount£5,000.00
Maximum yearly amount£20,000.00
Point of Sales & Internet Transaction 
Maximum single transaction value£5,000.00
Maximum daily transaction value£5,000.00
Maximum monthly transaction value£40,000.00
Maximum yearly transaction value£60,000.00

22. Misdirected Funds

22.1. Your Mistake. If your funds are sent to the wrong account as the result of a mistake made by you, and we have acted in accordance with your Instructions, we will be under no obligation either to recover the funds or to resend the funds to the correct Beneficiary Account or refund our charges for the service or pay compensation for any reason. You will need to book a new Transaction.

22.2. Our Mistake. If your funds are sent to the wrong account as the result of a mistake made by us, we will take urgent action at our own expense to recover those funds, provided that you take immediate action to assist us to recover any such funds if the mistaken beneficiary is related to you or associated with you in some way.

23. Financial crime: compliance requirements

23.1 We have to comply with certain international and domestic requirements designed to combat financial crime. We will take any action which we consider necessary in order to comply.

23.2 Once your account has been opened, we are required to monitor it and report suspicious activity to the authorities. We may ask you questions about activity on your accounts. You must give us any information we reasonably require. If you do not, we may have to freeze or close your account.

24. Promotions

24.1. All promotions, bonuses or special offers run by us are subject to promotion specific terms and conditions and any complimentary bonus credited to your account must be used in adherence with such terms and conditions.

24.2. In certain cases, we may conclude promotions, bonuses or special offers before the end of the advertised period or may prolong the period of a promotion, bonus or special offer usually due to abuse, limited up-take of the offer or error.

24.3. We reserve the right to disqualify certain countries from promotional offers.

24.4. In the event that we reasonably suspect that a user of our service has abused, is abusing or is attempting to abuse a bonus or other promotion, or is likely to benefit through abuse or lack of good faith from a policy adopted by us, then we may, at our sole discretion, deny, withhold or withdraw from any user any bonus or promotion, or rescind any policy with respect to that user, either temporarily or permanently, or terminate that user’s access to that user’s account.

25. Closing an Account

25.1. You may close your DT&T Business Account at any time by giving us written notice. We will close your Account within 30 days of receipt of your written notice.

25.2. The closing or suspension of an Account will not affect any outstanding transactions or any rights or obligations which may already have arisen between you and us for that Account. However, transactions in progress at the date of closing or suspension of the Account will be completed by us as soon as practicable.

25.3. If your DT&T Business Account holds a balance at the time of its closure, we will ask you to withdraw your funds within a reasonable period of time, during which your Account will be accessible for the purpose of withdrawing the remaining balance only.

25.4. After the expiry of this period, you will not be able to access your DT&T Business Account but you may withdraw any remaining funds by contacting Customer Service and requesting that the funds are sent to you in a manner that is reasonably acceptable for us.

24.5. If you want to access your transaction history after the closure of your DT&T Business Account, you will need to contact Customer Service and request the information.

25.6. We reserve the right to carry out any necessary money laundering, terrorism financing, fraud or other illegal activity checks before authorising any withdrawal of your funds, including in relation to returning any funds to you after you have closed your DT&T Business Account.

25.7. You agree to pay our fees in connection with processing your account balance to another account in your name, by deducting the applicable fees from your balance.

26. Complaints

26.1. If you wish to make a complaint about any aspect of our service, please send your complaint in writing to the following address: Complaints Resolution Team, DT&T Corporation Ltd, 3 Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9GE, or telephone us on 0208 806 6444: or you can email us at rmt@dttcl.com

26.2. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 24 hours. We will investigate your complaint and come back to you with the results of our investigation no later than seven business days after the receipt of our acknowledgement of your complaint.

26.3. If you are not satisfied with the manner in which we have dealt with your complaint, or the outcome, then you may refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR, Tel No 0800 0234 567, Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk.

27. Online & Apps Services

27.1. Our Website terms and conditions apply to your use of the Website and Apps for any purpose.

27.2. We grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive licence to use the App, subject to these Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Policy and the applicable app-store terms (incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by reference) as may be amended from time to time. We reserve all other rights.

27.3. You acknowledge that the App has not been developed to meet your individual requirements, and that it is therefore your responsibility to ensure that the facilities and functions of the App meet your requirements.

27.4. The App is provided to you free of charge and as a result no representations, conditions, warranties or other terms of any kind are given in respect of the App, and all statutory warranties and conditions are excluded to the fullest extent possible under applicable law.

27.5. We do not accept responsibilities of any failure to perform the Services, or any losses or delays in the transmission of messages, due to circumstances outside our control or due to our obligations under any applicable laws, rules or regulations.

27.6. We do not accept responsibilities of any malfunctions in communications facilities which cannot reasonably be considered to be under our control and that may affect the accuracy or timeliness of messages we send to one another.

27.7. We do not accept responsibilities of any errors in the App or with the Service caused by incomplete or incorrect information provided to us by you or a third party or any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of you using our App on a ‘jailbroken’, ‘rooted’ or otherwise modified device.

28. Communications

28.1. Except as otherwise expressly provided in these Terms and Conditions, any communication in writing may be given by post, SMS, Secure Electronic Message or email to the address, number or email address last notified by you to us or by us to you. DT&T does not consider post, fax or email to be secure methods of communication and orders and instructions concerning an Account will be accepted only by telephone or Secure Electronic Message or if given online on the Website using a Device.

28.2. These Terms and Conditions and all related information, statements and notifications we make to you will be in English and when you communicate with us you must also do so in English.

28.3. If you email us, or give us your email address, we will keep a record of it and you agree to communications being sent to that address, we will not give your email address to any third parties except as set out in our Privacy Notice.

28.4. Communications sent over the internet cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure and can be intercepted, lost or corrupted. We recommend that you use Secure Electronic Messages to ensure security and delivery. If you do send us an unsecure email, please keep the amount of confidential information you include to a minimum.

28.5. We shall be treated as having received any communications made by you to us only if we actually receive the communications. If you need to contact us urgently, you should telephone us in the first instance.

28.6. If we send communications to you: (a) by post, to the last-known postal address that we hold for you, they will be treated as received by you four Business Days after posting; (b) by email they will be treated as received by you immediately upon sending to the most recent email address we hold for you; and (c) by Secure Electronic Message they will be treated as received by you upon our sending such communications to the secure mailbox within the Website.

28.7. In addition, you must promptly update us with any change in your email address by updating your profile at https://www.dttcl.com.

29. Limitation and Liability

29.1. We shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage suffered by you arising from any act or omission or delay in the course of providing our services to you or otherwise arising from the activities to which this Agreement applies (including, but not limited to, any loss or damage suffered as a result of any default, negligence or fraudulent conduct of any third party to whom we disclose or who ultimately receives confidential information in relation to your account and which is disclosed or received upon your ostensible request or consent), except such as is caused by our negligence, willful default or fraud.

29.2. For the avoidance of doubt, we shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or delay in or failure of any Payment resulting from a late arrival of funds or from a late instruction. In any event, we shall only be liable for direct losses, for example, bank fees and interest. We will not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss that occurs as a side effect of the direct losses or damage, such as loss of profit, loss of opportunity or special damages whether within the contemplation of the parties or not.

29.3. We shall not have any responsibility or liability to you for any loss or damage suffered by you arising out of, or in connection with, the use of (or any unavailability or inability to use) DT&T Corporation Online including, without limitation, any loss of, or delay in the transmission of, instructions or the inability to make instructions or access DT&T Online whether due to breakdown or failure of communication facilities or otherwise.

29.4. You understand and acknowledge that you are liable for all losses incurred in respect of an unauthorised Transaction or Instruction or any other unauthorised use of the Service, where you have acted fraudulently or negligently and you agree to be responsible for and hold harmless DT&T Corporation, our subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, independent contractors, advertisers, partners, and co-branders from all loss, damage, claims, actions or demands, including reasonable legal fees, arising out of your use or misuse of the website or Service, all activities that occur under your password or account e- mail login, your violation of these Terms and Conditions or any other violation of the rights of another person or party.

30. Intellectual property

30.1. All intellectual property rights in our services, DT&T Corporation Online, the Website, any advertising material issued by or on our behalf, all information, materials, prices or charts, business methods, databases or settlement

30.2. specifications relevant to this Agreement or otherwise used or arising in connection with this Agreement will remain our property or the property of any third party which provided it to us and you will have no rights to distribute, republish, copy, reproduce, sell, sub-license or otherwise transfer or disseminate any of the above unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing.

30.3. However, you are permitted to download or print single copies of web pages for your own internal record-keeping purposes, provided you comply with all instructions given by us whether on the Website or otherwise.

30.4. You shall not recreate or copy, modify, reproduce or distribute DT&T Corporation Online or create derivative works from it or permit its reverse engineering, disassembly, de-compilation or otherwise attempt to ascertain the source code or internal workings of DT&T Corporation Online.

31. Amendments

31.1. We may amend these Terms by notice in writing to you at any time. Any such amendment shall take effect from the date specified by us (which shall be more than one month after notification). If we have not heard from you to the contrary, by the date specified, the variation will be deemed to be accepted.

31.2. If you do not agree to the amendments, you may terminate this Framework Agreement immediately, prior to the amendments coming into force. This termination and any amendments shall not affect any initiated transactions prior to the termination/amendment of the Framework Agreement.

Last revision date October 2024

Contact Us:

Telephone: 020 8 806 6444

Email: rmt@dttcl.com

Post: DT&T Corporation Limited, 3 Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 9GE.